
Modern IT technology IT or Information technology is a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms of business data, voice conversations, still images, motion pictures, multimedia presentations, and other forms, including those not yet conceived. It's a convenient term for including both telephony and computer technology in the same word. It is the technology that is driving what has often been called "the information revolution." The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such as television and telephones Humans have been storing, retrieving, manipulating and communicating information since the Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed writing in about 3000 BC,but the term information technology in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review; authors Haro
Networking Networking is the word people use when they’re talking about connecting  computers together so they can share data with each other and all connect to the internet at the same time. Let’s take a closer look at the key components that make up a simple easy to set up network. Think of a network is something similar to your body central nervous system.  At the top of the network is a brain that handless all the traffic coming through.  This is called a router. The brain is connected  to a spine that send signals throughout your network. This device is called a switch and it distributes signals to all of your computers and devices via network cables. Now let’s check out each of the components of a wired network and more detail. We’ll start with the router. A router has a smart little computer inside that identifies all of the computers and devices on your network and assigns a unique number to each one. Techie people call this an IP address.  A router also components to the int
Essay 4 On this specific essay I thought I would mainly talk about the effect of technology on communication in relationships. Because many people seem to forget how to communicate. technology such as email, Facebook, Twitter, My Space, YouTube, Instagram and many other sites are all amazing tools that have the intent to bring inter-connectedness around the world. These methods of communication, however, also have the capacity to negatively impact relationships. In both my counselling practise and my personal life I have recognized first hand that technology has the potential to negatively impact relationships in terms of etiquette. Technology may cause people to forget to use fundamental basics in etiquette when communicating.   One such etiquette practise that is lost is looking at the person in front of you. For instance, have you ever seen a group of teens together who are all standing in a group next to each other but all remain head down to face their phones instead of
What effect does moving away from computers and forward tablets and smartphones have on how we browse the internet?(essay 3)        Astonishingly, most people have smartphones near them right now! A smartphone is a mobile cellular device that can perform tasks such as calling, texting, browsing the internet, and downloading applications. Brief history of smartphone.The first smartphone was created by IBM in 1992 called Simon. The next year, Simon was placed on the market by a company named BellSouth. BellSouth’s new phone could not browse the internet, yet this new technology could send and receive emails. Nowadays, Apple and Samsung are the most popular smartphones with their IPhone’s and Galaxies. Smartphones are a new trend growing rapidly in the world. Furthermore, smartphones are replacing common objects such as calculators, telephones, voice recorders, alarm clocks, and flashlights . Some people believe that smartphones are taking over the lives of individuals in a negative
Real world(essay 2) Many people use computers in daily basis for some people it is their job to use it but for some it is a tool to run away from real world let’s talk about  advantages of computers.       First of course it makes life easier as people say. Well it does . Many bank accountants use it to make their calculations faster as they have late of  customers. Or airplane  companies use it to predict weather in their landing area. Because many lives depond  on good calculation and they can’t have miscalculation.       Then there is disadvantages. As mentioned adove those people use it to earn money for their family. And some people use it to run away from real world. They spend hours of hours in front of computers just to play video games or complain about everything  on facebook or on the other social medias. And I think that is the reason then being  isoland from society. When they go out people would not talk to then because of the some posts they made on social media.
UK’s telephone calls, by category 1995-2002(essay 1) The bar chart illustrates the combined spend of billion’s in minutes of 3 different types of phone likes in the United kingdom , from 1995 to 2002. Overall , it is clearly can be seen that the local line was the most popular with in the 8-year period. The national and international calls and calls on mobile came in second and third respectively. However mobile lines increase dramatically over the whole period, thus decreasing the gap of the three categories. Local call spent in minutes fluctuated over the whole period , with just over 70 billion minutes in 1995 end reached a peak of 90 billion minutes in 1999 and then steadily  decreasing the minutes spent using the local lines, with just over 70 billion minutes in 2002. Minutes spend for national and international calls increased steadily with just less than 40 billion minutes in 1995 and then by 2002 it reaches over 60 billion minutes. Minutes spent in mobile calls was the l
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